Sierra DigiTally & the Cloud

Easy and Affordable Solution 

Technology gives us the capability to be successful.  Sierra DigiTally is a multi-faceted solution that delivers the latest technologies in lumber and wood products.   Get started fast, access with ease, add devices, and do much more.


All Features in a Nut-Shell

1. Scan Tally:  Capture dimensions with ease, save on Mobile Device


2. Labels:  Print Mobile bar-coded labels or print from desktop PC


3. Sync to your Desktop PC:  Upload tallies to a Desktop PC (Desktop Option)


4. Sync to Cloud:  Upload tallies to the Cloud  (Cloud Option)


5. Print Reports :  Print Tally, Shipment,  and Summary Reports (Desktop and Cloud)


6. Access Anywhere:  Connect to Cloud Server from anywhere  (Cloud)


7. Web Reports :  Capability to view inventory from browser  and share with anyone (Cloud)


8. Access from Tablet:   Use your Android Tablet or iPad to create shipments (Cloud)



Not convinced yet?   Ask for a Demo Account to login and try one of our Cloud Servers.



(*) Cloud services require hi-speed internet connection

Sierra Solutions

Motorola Devices

      Many Challenges... Many Options

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